consciousreality © 2015

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A Message to Christians

Why write a spiritual book about God?

You probably will agree religious theories are not discussed openly unless they are among family or friends. Most people have firmly grounded belief patterns that are picked up in early life and carried as fact for the remainder. I thought this way too from an early age. What caused a bump in the road was when my grandfather died when I was thirteen. Not understanding death and asking others for the answers did not put to rest the possibility there existed a deeper knowledge of the afterlife. I discovered several years later most people just accept difficult stages of human life using faith or forgetfulness to deal with the trauma caused by the changes. Death is the big change in life; there are many others such as sickness, the transition from youth to adult, divorce, career, rejection, and others that carry significant paradoxes but finality of death trumps all of them. For me, all these serious stages of life became a major obstacle before my twentieth birthday. I had to find out for sure or develop a level of dynamic faith that man lives his life for a reason other than to just exist in a dimly illuminated room and then life is snuffed out like a candle in the wind. From college age extending forward several years everything slowed to a crawl as I researched what made man tick. It became clear as I spent thousands of hours of scientific, philosophical, religious, and physical research spanning 20 years that man represented so much more than the knowledge possessed in the dimly lighted room. I learned to love the Christian experience and except the rebirth process of salvation through grace but I found there was more. This book is based upon the actual facts of spiritual intervention that occurred in October of 1989. On that fall day all the research of the previous years of my life were completely flushed of misunderstandings. Seeing clearly that mankind has lived in the shadows of Christ's message for centuries became a profound revelation of the meaning of spiritual rebirth and why faith must be redefined as it was originally taught. I could talk of the thousands of hours of research and provide scholarly cross-references enough to produce a book four-times the size of The Kingdom Within but it would become too dusty on your bookshelf. If you want to understand the deeper message of the Bible or any sacred texts the tools are inside you. The Kingdom Within will show you how to unlock the mystery of life and to overcome death. You may think this is a tall order to make such bold statements. Yes it is but that fall day 1989 was the day I received the answers about higher reality. The book will show you how to go where I live to this day. Please understand it is not about presenting a new idea and roughing up the patterns of life for others nor focusing on me. I could just as easily kept quite about this spiritual transformation yet the burden of suffering that is apparent in the world must take a new course of destiny or the earth will in the future not sustain life. If you do a little research on population explosion, global warming, and global energy shortages it becomes very clear, mankind is on the fast-track to using up all the resources to sustain life on earth. As Christ is my witness, there are no false statements about Salvation in this book. Spending another 20 years before publishing it in 2010 was through God’s timeline, I only provided a way to bring it to printed form. It’s amazing what can happen if a person puts others before himself and really means it. May God bless you with the wisdom to understand man’s purpose on earth and may you see the glory of his Presence!

During the research years I studied all the major religions of the world going back to 6000 B.C. with the Sumerians and preceding up to the new age theories of the 1980 of 90’s. I discovered much of the religious movements that surfaced throughout history were to meet sincere needs by those who thought they had found the answer to man’s search for eternal salvation. Groups would form around the theories proposed by the visionaries of each group and eventually form a religious institution. Most of the religious movements did not survive more than a few decades. A good example is the new age movement. It’s beginning to fade away as it should because there is no substance in the movement that was not already well developed in the longstanding traditions of the major religious movements such as Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, the Yogic traditions, and the natural sciences of Native Americans. I uncovered most of the controversial views of man’s relationship with God was grounded in misunderstandings and liturgical scholarship. It became apparent that the major religious institutions that survived longer than a thousand years contains the heartbeat of God’s plan for mankind. Continuing the research into the truths in each religious movement separated from the metaphorical assumptions that surfaced in the major religions was the focus of those wise men who attempted to correct the errors of previous scholarship. This was no less of a challenge for Jesus Christ. Through God’s grace he was divinely inspired to correct the errors of Old Testament theology which sent him to the cross by the religious leaders who had become dead to the movement of a living theology represented by his theories of the kingdom that is within each of us. All the issues that have surfaced since Jesus death are apparent when scholarly works such as the Nag Hammadi Library, Dead Sea Scrolls, the historical records of Flavius Josephus, and Pliny the Elder that circulated during the era and shortly thereafter of the physical Jesus Christ. These works present another view of his life and teachings if the reader throws out opinions from others and just read them as a student acquiring the tools of Christian justification. Again, based upon thousands of hours of research, religious institutions interpret Biblical teachings based upon passed down information within the comfort boundaries of their cultural heritage. Why do we have over 200 different Christian sects interpreting Jesus life and telling us this is the gospel according to Christ teachings? It brings to the forefront that most interpretations are accurate but some of the teachings must be misinterpreted. How can this be? Obviously the hundreds of Biblical interpretations have institutionalized Christianity into a set of rules and regulations resulting in such a diversity of interpretation that presents the sincere seeker an overwhelming task of finding the one true teaching of Christ. There is no room left for direct encounters with God through Christ or any other form of direct intervention unless one wants to be considered a heretic. On a fall day in 1989 this heart-felt confusion was resolved. I did not just arrive at a new interpretation of the Christian message I experienced it as it was originally taught 2000 years ago. The Kingdom Within provides a way to understand the true message of Christianity and reaffirms its mission to go among people preaching the true gospel. May you experience the inner kingdom of the eternal Christ and bring true light to others!

As you ponder the words throughout the book questions will definitely surface. Christ said, all things are possible to him that believe

L E MADDEN (12/22/10)
All correspondence is held in the strictest of confidence.