If there is no free will there would be no need for the Universe to manifest as the outward mind of God. For example, children grow up and leave Dad and Mom to start their life. If the offspring of parents had no choice in life the outcome of everything they do would be already planned. It brings one to ponder, would God be so mechanistic to create a Universe of planned events leaving nothing to chance. Theoretical physics tells us a split second before we do anything it has already happened. In other words, I just think I'm free to make choices but I'm not! It's called collapsing the wave in quantum mechanics. Many physicists believe the material world is in a state of possibilities therefore until a thinking mind, whether it be animal or man, the world they live in is created instantly second by second. The brain just is not quick enough to detect this collapsing wave into a subjective idea. Many physicists believe the universe is based upon subjective thought with no real objects. So, there is NO real Universe just crystallized thoughts trapped in a time delay in the brain. A tree in the forest does not even exist let alone fall to make a sound unless our brain collapses this notion of a tree from an wave to a particle. It would seem from the quantum physics point of view God delights in man be puppet on the end of string.
Here's another point of view. What if man's memory is projected from a field of intelligent energy (Consciousness) within the universe. This conscious energy is based upon stored memory within the brain second by second. Once the momentum of memory is in motion from birth the habits and patterns of life is accumulated. As one lives the bank of mental possibilities is synchronized with past actions. As one lives the patterns of stored memory become more complex and closely follow the same life patterns as family and friends. Generation after generation these life patterns are stored in this conscious field that surrounds and extends beyond the body thus preserving the memories of deceased people's personality. Theoretical physics is partially correct, the fact that before we do anything our mind has already thought about it becomes easier to understand if the momentum of past history is flowing in the brain from one second to the next. For example, our brain moves from one thought to the next like a river flowing downstream. Breaking the river up in very small distances would give the impression that water's flow is predetermined second by second. In this example the water drop has no life of its own it just flows downstream thinking I'm determining my path. Breaking time down into small microseconds is not the way to determine if free will exists or not. Free will exists because we are alive and live in a real place in the universe. If a tree falls in the forest it does make a sound whether we hear it or not. Simply what is going on in the brain of man is the past pushes quickly forward into the future. The brain rhythms happening a split second before the action of the body is the momentum of the past coming to present just like water flowing down the stream. Over time the water cuts a deeper gorge and changes direction. Time is the key of freewill and time can be measured in the Universe! Time is also the dimension that proves freewill exists at two or more points. The future is based upon past actions stored in the brain and mind (Consciousness) that extends beyond the body into the field of consciousness of human beings. This field is evolving over time and is not predetermined but is alive and flourishing in the real universe. The universe is not an experiment of deterministic behavior patterns but evolving complex relationships of past and present projected randomly into future. In other words we're on a never-ending journey of possibilities!
For more information about this science see the extensive research in morphogenesis and my book The Kingdom Within to understand how the inner and outer mind of man works.
Why would a spiritual seeker study physics?
In our our modern society, unlike older traditional ways of describing higher states of being, spiritual teachings described the unfolding of consciousness as ascending from selfish tendencies linearly up to spiritual wisdom. Many cultures connect this to a 7 level progression up the body through an electric symmetry. If one reviews the science behind acupuncture the collection of electrical entanglements in the body gave rise to the chakra vortexes in eastern schools of thought. The energy running up and down the spinal column could be manipulated to produce higher states of bliss. The science of yoga came into existence thousands of years ago to learn how to progressively enter samadhi or electrical balance to detect the body as an extension of the mind. Recently after decades of research physicists discovered the "God Particle" exists in early 2012, it is called Higgs boson particle. This major discovery has proven that superstring theory in physics is a valid argument for proving there are ten possible dimensions in the universe. As research continues the God Particle will prove that superstring theory is the way the universe works. Superstring theory is the quest to understand and prove how form comes into being in the universe. The Higgs boson particle is the One particle that has been discovered that all form gets mass or being in the Universe! From planets to humans, everything gets it's identity from this wonder particle.
To simplify this theory imagine yourself sitting in a room in a chair. The room has 6 walls just like a room at your house. The room is totally enclosed in mirrors. Sitting in the chair looking at the mirror you can't see through any of the six walls in the room. But, if you could move outside the mirror to the next room you could see yourself sitting in the chair from every angle which includes up, down, sides, and bottom. This is the fifth layer or the next dimension of superstring theory. In the fifth layer you can move away from you and see yourself in the past and well as the present. You can also see yourself with infinite possibilities to change the course of your life and always go back in time to see yourself sitting in that chair. The sixth dimension would move your awareness out beyond the location of the 5th enclosed room to all the possibilities of your life in all possible locations. For example, instead of one you sitting in one chair with one life there now is present the possibility of you existing in multiple bodies on multiple floors similar to a high rise apartment. Each one of your bodies would have it's own lifespan and interests. This expansion continues four more dimensions to finally arrive at infinite possibilities in infinite universes. Hears the interesting and miraculous conclusion at this point, the God Particle is the same particle throughout the 10 dimensions!!! It manages all the possibilities in all positions from the smallest particles to infinite possibilities. Superstring theory offers proof that your individual awareness of being is timeless and could grow further up the dimensional ladder. The idea that you are in one particular body in one lifespan sitting in a chair in an enclosed room is transcended. When people experience the crossover into the 5th dimension the beginning of infinite possibilities beyond the one-world mentality are experienced. In modern language, this is the enlightened realm and the beginning of an infinite journey of human reality because there is no human reality there is only pure awareness localized in physical bodies. This is what was experienced by many of the spiritual masters we learned from in our paricular cultural history. Remember thought is not trapped in the brain. Thought flows from the 5th dimension into the 4th dimension which is one's present awareness subdued through lower thoughts of I am just here and no where else. To overcome this illusion is the reason to develop a serious spiritual pattern. You can't get up out of the chair with the body but you can move through the 4th dimensional wall by stilling the mind and blending with the vibrations of oneness (superstring symmetry). The first is belief there is a higher place. The second step is to act upon your belief pattern. The third step, you can't figure the process transcendence out on your own. The fourth step in the process of transcendence is to slowly flush the mind of selfish tendencies. The fifth step is to become a student first. This takes some time. The sixth step will manifest the teacher. The seventh will transcend the teacher. The eight step will reveal the door. The ninth will reveal the new reality. The tenth will erase the dimensional walls and reveal the God particle as taking human form! L E Madden
This lesson is based upon the direct encounter with God's presence back in October of 1989. Previous to this day I considered myself a dedicated spiritual warrior. What I thought God was in my life was going to be re-contextualized minus all the spiritual formulas. Having compared over 80 different resources listed in the back of my book, The Kindgom Within, I was sure the analytical path coupled with intense mediation and prayer practice would reveal the traditional teachings of my cultural heritage. I was in for a very intense awakening. All that I had done the previous 20 years of research was to an attempt to convince God this guy is serious about understanding the meaning of life. The one key ingredient for a successful direct encounter with God, to know He really exist, is an unwavering will to know the truth about life regardless if the answer completely rewrites one's spiritual heritage and family relationships. My book will save you years of research. The book addresses truth of both eastern and western religious cultures. Know this, if you are truly ready for intense spiritual reality this book will burst open the religious principles that need to be put to rest. If one doesn't learn how to stop the mind the higher reality whereby God reveals his Presence will be filtered through a stained glass window (your physical mind). Few make it through this door because the light and sounds of the lower levels of spiritual knowledge are thought to be the final threshold.
You are not a religion or a fallen image. The perfection you seek was made part of your physical body the moment you were born. The sign that you are looking for is the vibration given when God's presence is revealed. If you know what I am talking about know you are getting close to his visit. If you don't know then more than likely the stained glass window is still too thick (cultural mysticism). There is so much teaching traveling around today that is not based upon the actual experience of higher reality. Here's another key ingredient, the need to mediate, meditation, and the ending of a mediation session must all become one essence. I was in this routine for years and suddenly like a thunderstorm the need to this stopped in 1989. I have not meditated since. Yet one must do this contemplation exercise until the spiritual GIFT is received! If you don't feel that you want to go to this level it's OK!!! This is the purpose of FAITH, to believe there is a God that protects our eternal reality. That's what Jesus Christ came to offer. Eastern religion has it's version of this too but not as intense based upon one life to live. We will discuss the eastern mystic spirtualist at a later time in the lessons.
God has no mortal body. How could God be totally present in an advanced super being without us finding the direction of his radiant energy in the open universe? Since God manifests through all molecular structures, how could he be totally present in one location without the universe imploding upon the source of his radiance? If God created the heavens and earth and then vivaciously jumped outside space and time, this would contradict his participatory presence in the universe and all proven laws of physics. Why play games with creation? Would God play these games and manipulate the natural events and outcomes as a game of life and death? If he did specifically intervene into the vast matrix of creation, this would be a form of deception. God’s reality must represent highest truth, and man’s reality must represent an interpretation of it. Truth can’t lie, so God isn’t out to deceive us but to just be what God has always been. If God were manipulative, his actions would represent intentions to favor one created embodiment over another. Then, God would favor the highest celestial institutions and the holy ones that imagine themselves closest to him; they would be favored over those less endowed. Since God’s laws should represent all truth and wisdom, he can’t lie or favor any particular living embodiment; he can’t cheat, defraud, entice, manipulate, hurt, kill, deceive, blame, accuse, take, or destroy anything without violating the supreme relationship of time and space and the intervention thereof. God must represent a living reality in creation. God can’t make people sick, nor does he cause cancer. He doesn’t make deals with others and break them when things don’t go as planned. How could highest compassion favor taking people out of the world through pain and suff ering or even death? God doesn’t manipulate nature by favoring those who live in one
part of the world verses those in another. He is not manipulating or making covenants with anything or anyone! If God did, he would hurt someone or something at the expense of the other. Using his rules, how can he govern the music of the celestial universe without taking from one event and
giving to the other special privileges? Therefore the highest truth is pure intelligent potential, with no measure of time or location, being equally present in the fabric of all space. Is God in control of the universe? The universe is governed through complex intelligent energies because it takes complexity to make life simple. God did not create the universe as an experiment to see if he could do it. The universe is God’s mind in motion, or God as “I Am”! The universe has always been here because he has always been here. The biggest barrier to accepting the pure essence of the universe is one’s own cultural and mental awareness. The universe is just here; without it, we would not need to define positions in reality because nothing would exist to compare one point of space to another. The most important point of cosmic consciousness is that it has and will always be present forever.
God is the source of energy that sustains the universe. He is the intelligent energy that preserves thought and motion. God is the all-penetrating matrix of potentiality to sustain and preserve everything in an intelligent synergy of cosmic expression forever. God is the eternal fountain from
which all things expand and contract; he is the light of creation! God is the multilayered subtle quantum matrix of thought that sustains order in the universe. The universe is the mind of God, which distributes all potential forms of expressions and preserves them eternally. God is the word we use to describe the all-penetrating intelligent synergy of the universe. God, being highly refined intelligent energy, captures thought and preserves it in an endless web of order and potentiality. He is the great preserver of thought and molecular order. Every possible thought pattern is preserved forever, with nothing lost to illusionary time segments and focal points in space. God is the total summation of universal intelligent energy, which exists because its nature is the universe in myriad forms of potentials to come into or recede. The more refined the intelligent energy is, the more it blends into the purest energy stream we call God.
God must be fully present in the Universe at all times. Examining the concepts of a God hidden from the world is filled with errors or untruths. God can't create evil nor does it exist other than in the minds of those who harbor selfish tendencies. Each seeker of truth must examine their belief patterns and sift away the untruths in their life. When you look at a sunset or sunrise, it's a sunset or sunrise. To see this in a deeper context is to understand the greatest magic is take your hand and slap your face. The perfection of a living earth rotating daily is the gift. How light radiates into our body the life-giving energies that sustains us on mother earth is the ultimate gift for man to fully experience. If one were to ask a wise person what's the underlying meaning of life? If he/she could be completely honest with the questioner, she/he would probably reach over and respectfully slap you on the cheek. Quickly saying, there that's the meaning of life. The questioner would probably say, why did you slap me on the face. He/she would probably rephrase and say, you need to wake up and see what your looking for is right in front of you! One word of caution, the highest meditation is no meditation. In other words, to contemplate God is to be separated from His Presence. Would it not be the higher path to find the the approach, the act, and the ending of meditation is all the same. Thus upon finding God the whole action of seeking Him comes to a rest!!! What does a seeker seek if the prize has been revealed? To be honest to oneself is to recognize the path to an enlightened life is to find God and silence the ego. His Presence then fills your spirit with the knowledge of the beauty that is before you every day!!! Who are you following do they point you to yourself?
Faith gives us the hope of a future reward. Everyone has a measure of faith in their life. From the simple acts of daily life to the big events that change our lives. Faith carries us down the road and protects a safe return to our families at the end of the day. Fate stops this belief with the dynamic experience that things have come to a halt if only temporarily. We all have a measure of fate in our life. The hope or faith is it will only be a pause that we can overcome. Faith and fate seem to run together at times but if we are strong our belief in the values that make life move forward will prevail. Are you strong in faith? Do you apply its usefulness to help you cope with life's weak points? Fate can sometimes overtake our common sense and cause us to be depressed. Above all of this is the fact that we can control our emotions. Being positive in times of distress can bring us through any obstacle that stands in our way. Being positive means having faith in ourselves that all things that come at us can be overcome. Faith if examined closely represents the unseen energy that brings harmony in life. Some people just seem to keep positive no matter the issues that confront them. Are you one of those people? Is faith enough?
Spiritual faith is to believe an eternal destination is waiting for us. The teachings of all the major religious movements of mankind tell us there is a reward for being faithful to the spiritual principles that guide our lives. Lets' take the spiritual level of faith to the deepest level possible. All the wise one's of the past that could not settle for just faith jumped into action to find the answers if Divinity existed or not. Their faith was somewhat questionable in the beginning but they persevere to prove the facts of an eternal reality or walk away with no presence of God as taught by the forefathers of their religious beliefs. What really propelled these spiritual warriors was a dynamic faith given through a stronger presence than themselves. No serious spiritual student will be disappointed if they keep the faith and stay the course. Those who fall away from spiritual faith early in the search end up lukewarm in religious theories and go about there family and friends, sometimes unknowingly, spreading lack-of-faith principles. This type of prove-it-to-me faith is really fate in action. Not believing in the Presence of God as imminent in today's society is a tragedy that spreads selfish tendencies that nothing really exist beyond the flesh of the body. Where do you really stand with your belief in a higher plan?
Here's where I stand. I believe in God imminent in all people. Having spent time on the path of doubt the years of contemplation resulted in the direct knowledge of His Presence. What I was given by grace was such a view as to silence forever the doubt of an eternal reality. It is so exquisite and beautiful it will take your breath away in awe of the unconditional love of a living God! God's presence is so real and so close to each person. This is the spiritual gift to mankind!!! It's all in place there really is nothing to do but believe through faith that you are a part of this grand plan. Just simple faith. You don't have to do what I spent 40 years finding!!! It is so very real, so have faith and cherish life. Just release into the spiritual energy of your body because it is there that the suffering of life's seeming hardships are put to rest. The secret ingredient is FAITH in the Presence of God as eternally anchored in your life. Just the simple act of God living in you is enough!!
There's really nothing I can teach above this lesson. If this is enough to bring you peace then it is finished. Go about life with an unshakable faith. You don't have to go where I have been. If you still doubt let me know. The tools I used to see and experience God are in my book.
A very effective way to understand the difference between and the inner presence of pure awareness and daily life in the external world is to use this very effective mental technique of awareness training.
When you are contemplating daily life and seeking to go inward to find the answers to the meaning of life one first must be convinced that inside one's body is the necessary tools to find the answers. Unless a seeker of higher truth develops the inner space where pure eternal awareness connects to the physical body very little growth occurs throughout ones physical embodiment in this life. There are thousands of teachings that point seekers to the lower realms of spiritual reality. I urge you to be very selective when following teachings that point to spiritual realms that present God as somewhere beside within your very own body.
Here's a profound way of discovering your inner radiance. When sitting or in your still time contemplating the meaning of life imagine your personal identity as a skin suit. This suit would be similar to the one that scuba divers use during their underwater swimming. Except your suit covers your body from head to toe. It even includes your face too. It is a complete skin suit. This suit has a zipper the runs from the top of head to pelvis. Each leg has a zipper that starts at the toes and runs to the pelvis. So there is 3 zippers. Starting at the toes unzip both of the zippers up to the pelvis. Next unzip the main zipper starting at the head and ending at the pelvis. With all three zippers unzipped step out of suit pulling the arms out of the sleeves one at a time. Holding the skin suit in one hand push the sleeves back through to their proper positioning for when you put it back on.
Looking at the skin suit that represents who you are to all those who know you walk a couple of steps forward place it on a clothes hanger and hang it up. Turn back around with your ego suit behind you and walk away. Your inner body is now completely clear from your outer body of wants and needs. The inner body is your spirit with not boundaries. IT is the one that was given to you at birth. It is fully present and needs no outer inputs for personal fulfillment. The inner body is completely radiant and is given spiritual energy from the Presence of God that exists within you. This body is the real you. It is this body that you use for meditation or contemplation to merge with the higher presence of divinity in the flesh. This is your true body that no one can penetrate. It is invincible and eternal. It is not in some far away place but right with you every day. Cherish it because it is your crown jewel for being a human being. It is the one that will not fail you in times of peril but is with you forever!!
When it is time to go back into the world turn walk toward your body suit and take it off the hanger. Put each arm into the sleeves. Reach down to your pelvis and zip down each leg all the way to the toes. Starting at the pelvis slowly zip up to the head. Once zipped realizing that the Presence of God is within you a new level of confidence has been realized the daily life in the outer world has become a little more tolerable.
Keep doing this simple spiritual technique and see what happens. Let me know of your experiences. May you be richly blessed with the higher awareness and see into the nature of God's purest wisdom!!
What is it that mankind is searching for? Religion assures man a future knowledge of immortality while enlightenment reveals the future now. You may be wondering is this a true statement of life. Holy Ones of the past experienced more than religion. Religion is the left-over mental justification of a Holy Person's life-changing transformation that is watered down by those individuals who lived within the Divine Light of this person. Religion teaches that a future immortal abode is attainable if one follows the prescribed doctrines and precepts. Enlightened individuals scattered throughout the ages spoke of a direct knowingness that transcended time and space. The enlightened ones spoke with authority because what they experienced transcended the paradox of the human mind localized in a physical body. Close examination of religion reveals it to be the footstool of enlightenment. Thus the worship of religious methods is a precursor to the actual attainment of the desired result which is the state enlightenment. The concept of enlightenment as a level of spiritual knowledge describes the ascent up the ladder of reality. Obtaining an enlightened state there is no such thing as a state of enlightenment.
Enlightenment suddenly puts an end to the complexities of religious knowledge. All the answers one seeks to the confused state of the world are seen as holistic expressions of God in physical form. To an enlightened individual the world is perfectly manifested as the outward expression of God in individual form. The objective and subjective phenomena are one of the same. Where you find life you find it fully. There are no fragmented manifestations to the images created throughout the earth. Man conceptualizes and attaches bondage to their I AM presence because life is seen as a series of progressively higher levels of attainable mental mind-images. This is simply not so! God is unconditionally fully present within every fiber of the universe. For example, God is the blue sky and all of creation is the clouds. This is the vista available and verified by those enlightened ones throughout history.
Enlightenment is obtained after a series of realizations by the one who searches for truth above all things manifest. One's bounded soul is experienced as unbounded. One is not bound to the universe or anything in it. One is beyond the universe. Man thinks he/she is bound to the outward manifesting forces of God and is somehow degraded to a status below innocent animals. This is an illusion! God loves creation to the point of manifesting directly in it. There are no partial creations, everything is fully present. God is unconditional love in constant vibration with the potential to create and preserve everything good forever. Nothing is lost except the illusion that we must attain something. Mankind must learn to release. God is truly the great preserver! Never, never doubt the omnipotence and omnipresence of a super-intelligent all knowing God who preserves everything. This verification is revealed directly to an enlightened individual. Past history has recorded the testimonies of those Holy Ones who transcended time and space to bring to man the simple teachings of love and forgiveness.
God being super-intelligent can we out-think Him to prove anything? Religion is the tool to learn how to release. No life is lost in vain because all phenomena that is real is captured. Man thinks he/she must preserve everything. God has all truths logged permanently in a matrix of conscious potentials. The one illusion God does not log into permanence is untruths since untruths don’t exist they are man-made. Therefore, evil is preserved and put into action through levels of misunderstandings of those who carry this message from one generation to the next. If it were possible to store untruths in Consciousness it would become unconditional false truths. God will not manifest false images to man. It is man who collectively manifests the untruths of this world. Selfishness is the tool of Man! Remove selfishness from ones heart and truth begins to build a stair step to the day of enlightenment. One could work all their life with the complexities of intellectualism and still not experience the enlightened condition. Man is separated from God because of doubt and misunderstood conditions that bind the mind to linear scales of knowledge. Evil is just the lower linear force of good connected to the illusion of an I trapped in molecular space. We are not required to jump across an abyss to get on the road of good from the road of evil. Evil just does not register in God's library of love. Man who seeks self-creation must learn how to love.
God is both energy and form. Enlightenment is the state of being whereby the truth-seeker sees the grand picture and is taken to the other side. There are no returns to normal life after an event such as this. One's view of life has been turned inside out. The old ego that once had dominion is snuffed out. Consciousness is felt and understood to come into the physical body as a flowing fountain that will never run dry. The body becomes a focus of individualized expression. Life becomes an ever-present awareness of confirmation that the full measure of man's life is to cherish the PRESENCE of Creation in the time period of NOW! Man is comforted with a state of bliss constantly flowing from inside of the body flowing outward. This bliss is the confirmation that God is present everywhere and can be experienced as a state of being beyond the confines of universal creation. An enlightened state of being would reward the truth seeker with ever present sensation that she/he is connected to everything. One with this state awareness would not see loopholes where God is not fully present. He would see and feel the separation of those who lived and moved around others and out of compassion would offer God's essence to raise the veil of illusion.
In summary, religion and enlightenment are the two extremes of man's search for truth. Religion is the binding force to find the truth to one's existence where enlightenment is the releasing power that proves God exists as a direct experience! It can be said with assurance that the Kingdom of Heaven is truly within. It is through going within that we gain the outward reward which is the release of the human misunderstanding that attainment of the state of enlightenment is the most sacred action of the search for truth. To doubt one cannot remove the obstacles to obtaining enlightenment in this lifetime is to doubt that no man or woman can ever obtain the most sacred of experiences available in the universe. And behold the children; it is there innocence that is closest to Heaven. Innocence of children is none other than humility in adults. Being humble reveals the path of truth to be anchored in unconditional love. It is when one is in a state of total humility and service to God the high mark of enlightenment may be made manifest.
May each of you come quickly to the understanding to waste your life in the vain pursuits of the sensory world is an illusion. All the Holy Ones of the past warned against the fantasies of an unbridled mind. Forgive others and be kind to those who are not kind to you. Help those in need the best you can. Know the world is not full of selfless hearts but you should try to be one. Dedicate your life to raising other people up on your back and carry them through the rough times. Replace bad thoughts with good. Never let a day go by without seeking the silence of the closet. While in the closet do not demand anything. Just be still and thank God for your health this day. LE Madden
There are two dimensions of truth. The outer truth comes from a place we can't control. People control the inner truth. The two truths don't allow much room for error. All objects and actions either are true or not true. There's no false in the world just non-truths. When things are understood to be false it's our inner mental vocabulary that is speaking. The outer which is controlled by God is truth only. From the perspective of infinite intelligence God doesn't create false things since that would be a violation of being all-truth and all knowing. God sets such a high standard he can't create false knowledge nor can he allow errors in judgement when manifesting a Universe or in the creation of living beings. Thus, God can't create negative influences to deceive nature or people. Man creates discord because we can think separate from God's outer field of pure truth. God must vibrate his presence into the Universe without bias to any location or manifestation. Since man's body is in the universe, mankind has the option to discover the presence of God. The fact that a part of the universe that animates life and displays conscious decisions to choose between living and dying is the proof of truth and the proof of God manifest. Man can't think apart from the body tissue because no body would be present to manifest a human life anyway since we as humans would not be present in the universe. Obviously a miraculous event occurred infinite eons ago that manifested intelligence in the Universe. From the smallest molecular elements up to the complex thoughts of man's mind there exists a intelligent energy to bring life into our world. The illusion that man's body and mind is a non-truth and will just die at the end of a mortal life is a fantasy because intelligence is a prime factor of infinite life. Man presence in the universe is truth because you and I are hear! How can it be false that we don't have the connection to an eternal life. The proof we exists now is the proof we exist eternally!
Since particles of infinite intelligence (God) is within the tissue of our body is a fact. Otherwise we would not be able to distinguish our life from other beings. Non-truths appear because we can store repetitious thought patterns in our brain tissue and pass them to others in the form of teaching and education. Since modern man become conscious of this capacity a few thousand years ago we developed a sophisticated civilization capable of unbelievable ways of promoting the inner kingdom of man which is called the ego. The false god's that arise in our lives is none other than the trapped thoughts of man justifying human immortality which is not possible in the universe. We created sophisticated false teachings to justify the mortal human being above the true essence of being human. Since the outer radiance of God permeates the whole universe and every element thereof, the whole of the Universe is the manifestation of God taking form as embodied creation. Man justifying through reason that he is separate from God spends his life in search of immortality when it is already fully present throughout the tissue of the body. The inner truth is, man is fully present within God's outer radiance. The fact we are in a thinking physical body is proof of the outer radiance of God. The untruth is to believe we must ascend a ladder of man's education and spiritual teachings to be more God-like when the very fabric of our being is Divinity in the flesh!
The task at hand is to find the key to unlock the outer radiance of God's Presence in the universe within one's inner life. The illusion we must break down is the wall of doubt and selfish interests. One must ask God for forgiveness and seek liberation from the negative inputs that drain us of spiritual wisdom.
Most write off the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 as an opportune time for liberal spiritualists from all religious backgrounds to come together for global unity. Were you there? If not, the significance of this event was to anchor into the earth a higher vibration of spiritual awareness. Who caused this event to manifest? Most participants who went to the power centers throughout the world did so out of the adventure of it. Most did not get the desired result of the global unity as a personal right-of-passage and returned to their daily lifestyles. Over the next 10 years this new age movement settled into history and was discounted by academic and non-spiritualist scholars as ridiculous. Yet, there was a dramatic intervention into the spiritual field of mankind on these days. The Sensitives that pursue spiritual truth measured a higher vibration of Conscious Awareness (God). When I experienced the transformation mentioned in Lesson 2 it was enhanced through the higher frequencies of God's presence embedded within those serious truth-seekers to penetrate deeper than ever before in the modern history of man! (Search Harmonic Convergence for details.)
Man's physical body is connected to the vibrations of earth, and the earth is connected to the local solar system. The local solar system is anchored to the flowing patterns of the Universe. God must radiate consciousness into the universe and ultimately into mankind. Since man's evolutionary journey toward spiritual ascension depends upon bodily vibrations to sustain life God must intervene into the affairs of man in order for higher spiritual awareness to manifest. This intervention is in the form of love and compassion. How we interpret this inner emotional energy determines our level of spiritual will-power.
One's choice to seek spiritual liberation is the act of God calling you to his Presence. The art of meditation or prayerful reflection is to come to the point in life that one realizes there is a Higher Presence than just a body and a brain that makes intelligent decisions based upon sensory inputs. The greatest of misconceptions in life is to doubt that the love you feel in daily life is none other than God calling you into his Presence. The path and theories one may have about life and death can be a closed book to a mundane life or they can be opened to the proven fact of eternal life. Those who have been blessed with this miraculous experience throughout history are 100% accurate and have witnessed the higher spiritual paradise. It doesn't matter the spiritual path you choose as long as you choose the truth that eternal life is waiting for you!
The greatest travesty is to waste life in the pursuit of material possessions alone. A balanced life of inner reflection that sees the beauty of this world coupled with the outer duties to do good in family and interests is the right path. Upon rising from sleep give thanks for your life and what is already in place. Things come at all of us each day that we must face with the best we have to offer. Each person has the specific burdens of their lifestyle. At the end of the day REFLECT upon why things unfolded as they did and ask, I will change my life for the good as I now see my mistakes. Define good in your life. Before bedtime do this one thing EVERY DAY, ask God to forgive you and accept your gift of this repentance. If you truly offer this prayer, look for positive things to happen the next day. The next day, get up and repeat this new way of life.
Should you spend your time reading these lessons? Hopefully Lesson 2 will determine if this path is worthy of your time.
Previous to October 21 1989 I was like most serious spiritual seekers. I experienced a successful inner spiritual life and a close relationship with family. A typical day for me was like most people it was filled with work, family, exercise, and spiritual practice. Exercise and spiritual research usually lasted 2 to 4 hours per day, this is probably not as typical. I never had idle time to waste so keeping busy for me was normal. It was a late afternoon on 10/21/89 that everything changed. What I thought was important spiritual research regarding a theory of God (some people don't like the word God so put whatever definition you like to represent a higher presence that transforms your life here, for me it's God) and spiritual literature was irrevocably transformed into a new awareness much deeper than most of the authoritative teachers I studied.
Having studied most of the major religious teachings previous to 1989 I knew most of the higher false states of reality (astral world, lucid dreaming, ecstatic spiritual states) a person experiences during successful meditation since I had them too. Over the years I migrated from traditional Christianity to esoteric Christianity. Most classical Biblical followers would say, you have fallen from God's grace and are worshiping false teachings and their gods. Most classical Christians never research the deeper esoteric Christian teachings so spend their life in the expectation of a heavenly realm after the mortal life. This is not bad it's just not the deepest place man can travel on the spiritual highway. Eastern spiritual teachings are similar to esoteric Christianity except for animated theories of astral realms and ascended non-local beings who take upon a divine expression. I found that cultural exposure is one of the main sources of divine authority that manifest in people's understanding of spiritual ascension. The truth is, higher spiritual experience redefines the nature of daily life and removes the astigmatism of the eternal flame.
The transformation of consciousness suddenly occurred immediately after finishing a 7 mile run. My preconceived notion was, any spiritual transformation would occur during meditation not wide awake and exercising. The expansion of consciousness started inside my body along the spinal column and preceded to engulf the entire body. Have you ever stood outside when a storm comes, you can see it before the wind and rain gets to your body. This is the way it happen but in reverse! The transformation energy started in the spinal column and brain exploding outward touching everything in its path. After this expansion there was no separation between the outer skin of my body and the land. As I looked over at an oak tree about 40 feet in the distance there was no separation. I could feel the sap in the tree as if was my body. From that moment on to the present there has been no separation of my physical body and all things.
What I experienced that day was not from my merits as a disciplined truth seeker or sports enthusiast. It had everything to do with releasing negativity and perceived ideas of an enlightened life. It had nothing to do with redefining religious theories or spiritual elitism. What happened was a gift from the higher place of ultimate truth. Thus truth and the human spirit became such overwhelming realities that it extends beyond the body through the atomic structure of the universe. When you have this experience it stops all definitions and theories that there is no higher intelligence (God) potential in the universe. From that October 21 date a subtle vibration that springs from the center of my physical body outward confirms a Divine Presence is the truth of the meaning of life. It also confirms the cosmic vibration (the vibration of eternal reality in bodily form)is the highest gift of human expression. Physicists can see the atomic world and imagine what the unified theory is but can't experience it. They research the quantum world as holding the secret to this matrix of unified knowledge but, because of the local mental brain stem mind boundaries, can't see the body is the ultimate microscope.
The truth is this, there is NO inner and outer. The untruth is to label the presence of reality as having an inner and outer vehicle. This manner of thinking has put man in a cultural cocoon including many spiritual teachings. The truth is, their is no coming and going only the presence. The truth is, the brain stores individuality that can be released while physically present. This is the true spiritual reformation.
We are conscious because something within our physical body can produce the I that allows use to be aware of our surroundings. This I develops individuality because of the complex nature of our brain to systematically record the sensations of living in a physical body. From this basic awareness at the beginning of our life, we accumulate a personality based upon the inputs from family and nature. How these first years of sensory perception accumulate determines most of the patterns that will unfold the rest of our life.
The uniqueness of human life is quite the miracle in the vast range of creation. Maybe there are thinking beings in other parts of the universe but for now we represent the top of the mental food chain. Somewhere along the evolutionary processes of animate life man became aware of himself and the need to immortalize the human presence. To ask what is the purpose of life becomes the most noble of questions. Did some supreme intelligence decide to create the short life of man just to see him perish after living a few years?
What is truth? We will examine the far reaching reality of this question as we discuss man's existence in this universe.
Please visit the Consciousness web page on the right tab menu for an explanation of how consciousness manifest into the physical body.
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