consciousreality © 2014
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The Soul
From 1989 through 1995 I experienced the truths of how consciousness manifest within human beings. Beginning December 2013 through March 2014 I was shown how creation was formed in the universe and the importance of Souls in the radiance of God’s love. Here is a summary of this revelation.
The Soul is non-local and exists in a realm of reality that is beyond space and time. All souls were created in the infinite expansion of bodiless consciousness. In the beginning there was only spirit dwelling with no boundaries and no bodies. The spirit was intelligent and without form and infinite in bliss and vibration. Spirit existed like the water of an ocean. Waves were the infinite bliss surging and receding into and out of stillness. Spirit took upon the aspect of controlling the limitless waves and formed God out of the desire to express love within the waves of bliss and vibration. Out of God came the will to create duality that could control the shifting currents of wave and vibration thus the mind of God was formed out of the love for expressing consciousness in a limitless sea of bliss and vibration. God realizing his will was controlling the flow of bliss and vibration created images like him to take upon bodily form. This form was the Soul without a physical body. Souls were directly embedded with God’s consciousness but lacked the full measure of independence since all Souls are projected from the mind of God and thus can’t be disconnected since they are extensions of the mind of God similar to the Sun in our solar system radiating life giving energy to the planets. Souls are created beings that live within the mind of God and contain infinite capacity to create duality. Souls were given the capacity to control waves and vibration of the cosmic spirit that was generated from the mind of God. Souls being the closest to God in love and vibration were projected out into infinite space to create fields of condensed consciousness that contained mental images of bliss and vibration patterns. Souls learned they could communicate with God through bliss and vibration. This duality of Soul and God communion was the purest form of love. This love gave Souls the identity as separate beings within the mind of God. Then God projected Souls to occupy bodies within infinite spirit and throughout the infinite field of spirit to occupy positions of vibrational love. Souls were capable of projection love back to the source or God. This was the first step of the dual nature of God taking form in the mind of Souls as a being that senses space in the bliss and vibration of God’s mind. This manifestation was the second creative manifestation of God, the first being God who could control the infinite field of spirit. Souls live and have a presence within Gods mind and require no food or drink since they live directly of the radiance of God. Through the bliss and vibration of God’s mind manifesting vibrational radiance (pure love) to each Soul they become self-aware. Souls existed as the second creative manifestation of God that could expand God’s consciousness (mind) into infinite points of bliss and vibration throughout the field of spirit. Without souls love could not be brought into the universe because there would be no way to filter Gods vibration down to the atomic level which is the necessary building block of the known universe that animate beings occupy here on earth and throughout the infinite expanse of creation.
The infinite spiritual field was then populated with the third creative manifestation of God which was form. Form was filled with infinite possibilities to come into space and time and occupy points within the spiritual realm. At this point Souls could create images of objects to occupy their vast bodies similar to the world we live in today but without physical form. In other words, Souls became master dreamers with ability to create their own world. Souls found they could interact with other Souls and could form relationships with them. At this point all Souls love for God and the freedom they were given created and filled the infinite realm of the spirit with love and identity. The dialogue between God and each Soul was perfect. God in love had created his image in the form of a Soul. Souls were limited but had limitless free will to be separate from God and project pure love back to him. Souls mastered the art of pure awareness. The joy of feeling the waves of bliss and vibration moving back and forth between their spirit and God’s was beyond description and time. At this point in the Souls journey God created another vibration, the fourth.
God created the fourth vibration which was the atomic world. God so love his relationship with Souls he created a dimension for them to express their love to creatures that were not capable experiencing God’s pure radiance. The atomic world gave Souls the capability to exist as a spirit body within the universe. From this level of creation all manner of created objects could have form and functions within time and space. Bliss and vibration acting upon the atomic world of particles brought into being all the suns and planets of the infinite universe. The fourth vibration was controlled by time and location. Time and location brought into being light and magnetism. Light and magnetism bent molecular waves and vibration into circular fields of energy. These fields could then develop over eons of time into planets that could sustain mortal life. At this point life became possible and could for a period of time be apart from God’s direct radiance from the original spirit wave and bliss vibration. Souls were given dominion over living things thus could occupy their body and mind just as God occupied the mind of Souls. Souls could not create living things but could occupy and influence created beings. This was a most crucial point in God’s plan to manifest his love throughout the universe. Souls could influence living things but could not take or give life since that would be subduing the cause of the universe which was to expand love throughout space and time. Souls control the amount of love that vibrates in the universe! The responsibility to radiate this love to creation was the primary cause of creating the universe. The universe evolved over billions years in universal time to manifest creatures that could live and move on planets. Once life formed on habitable planets living creatures evolved disconnected from plants and trees. This required intellect thus forming the spinal column and brain to store habit patterns and build communities of species. Creatures lived closely to the natural order of the planet and learned to survive through acquiring intelligence. This intelligence accumulated within species through radiant energy patterns that were stored within space and time very near the spiritual border between body and mind. The memory field of each specie is stored within the universe within the atomic field of energy that permeates the universe. During evolution each living creature that vibrates in a body taps into this field of intelligent energy which provides radiance and the carrying forward of the creature to higher states of intelligence. Eventually over millions of years creatures mutate to the level of intellect they become self-aware. At this point the animal becomes compassionate for others. Being compassionate is to understand one is aware of their surroundings and develops basic levels of love and protection to the level that bliss and vibration is sensed coming from somewhere beyond themselves. During this evolution phase animals such as man were capable of vibrating bliss and reaching out to other creations in a way that was God-like. Man became a candidate for Souls from the spirit realm to manifest higher vibrations of love. Over time animal man gained intellect to the point that Souls could incarnate into flesh and have a body and mind. This combination of body and mind became the fifth level vibration of bliss and spirit. The descent of spirit made flesh extended to the furthest point in God’s plan to manifest love into mortal form. Man became both flesh and spirit. This is the beginning of modern man.
At the fifth vibration from the center of God’s radiance Souls could project their presence into physical bodies. Since Souls can’t die or be born they must project their presence into each body during the mother’s pregnancy. Once this projection occurs it can’t be pulled back into the spirit world until physical death unless sickness or injury prevents the Soul from expressing bliss and love. God controls the time and space of the fourth dimension and all creatures born upon planets. Since the Soul can enter and exit the body the fifth vibration is a radiant or vital body that is part of the fourth and fifth vibration that attaches to the memory fields that exist within the universe. The fourth and the fifth vibration are merged together to create personality and cultural habit patterns. The fifth vibration is the field of spiritual radiance that is sensed by a human being as surrounding and penetrating the flesh. The idea of spirit made flesh dwelling with man is mistaken for the Soul. Souls can’t penetrate the fifth vibration since they are vast spirits directly connected to God. To slow down the vibration frequency of a Soul into a fifth dimension of creation is not possible since they are immortal and are not governed by the laws of the nature. Souls do not consume food to survive. If you will recall from above Souls exist through bliss and vibration within the second, third, and fourth dimensions. The merging of spirit and flesh in the fifth vibration is the divine act that raises man’s awareness of the higher kingdom of spirit. Each person has a Soul that is fully aware of one’s life patterns. Through the radiant body that surrounds and penetrates the physical body it is possible for human beings to recognize this relationship and transcend human awareness and merge with the Soul through the radiant body. Searching for this connection created all manner of religious expression that is manifest on earth today. Over thousands of years the fifth dimension memory fields contain infinite combinations of human expression that are tapped into resulting in cultural habit patterns that evolve over time. When a new person is born they connect through this memory field and develop cultural habits similar to their father and mother. The process of searching for the meaning of life begins anew each lifespan of the person. It is only when the body and mind connect with the Soul that this cycle is finally complete and returns to God fully manifest with love from the outer fifth vibration back to the second. This is the process of experiencing eternal life while living in the flesh. Jesus Christ life was a gateway for mankind on the earth to connect with his Soul and return consciously to the fourth dimension while living in the physical body. Jesus taught the possibility of obtaining eternal life with one incarnation into a human body. By trusting his story of resurrection, the justification of merging with his Soul was proven at his ascension in front of several hundred witnesses. The story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis is the story of the Soul connecting to man through spiritual radiance as a human. The life of Jesus Christ is an example of expressing unconditional love and its reward after a life given to lead others to the reality they too have an eternal Soul. Before this descent into the flesh man was an animal with a keen intellect for survival on a planet populated with physical creatures. God’s plan from the beginning was to build a universe that vibrated bliss and love into infinity. Once mortal flesh was embedded with spirit and was recognized as the very fabric of God’s mind the projection of the love manifest into creation was complete. The evidence of man evolving into an intelligent being over millions of years is proven through science and archaeology. A few thousand years ago man was blessed with the reality of Souls projecting into the fourth dimension. This momentous event was the miracle of man being chosen as the creature to manifest spirit in mortal form! This was the meaning of God forming man out of the dust of the earth. Spirit descending upon man is the story of eternal reality made flesh. The Bible is the story of man’s mortal walk to immortality through the revelation of spirit made flesh. Your Soul knows this. Seek your destiny and experience life eternal.
In my book, The Kingdom Within, A Path to Eternal Consciousness teaches a way to still the mind to connect to one’s Spirit based upon years of proven research. To still the mind does not mean to subdue thoughts, it means to connect to the source from where thoughts come from. It’s impossible to literally stop thinking! I don’t discuss Souls in this book because they don’t reside here on earth. The Spirit Body is mistaken for the Soul! In a four dimensional universe only spirits radiated from beyond the universal plane can exist. Thus spirit is the direct radiance into the physical body from beyond. I must impress upon your reasoning, a Soul is direct radiance of the duality of God! Unless one can still the mind the spiritual vibration of higher reality will not reveal the true identity of one’s immortal nature. Souls can’t exist as a full image in the fourth and fifth vibration from God’s pure radiance as mentioned earlier in this paper. The amount of heat generated around the physical body would consume or burn the flesh. What is possible is to increase the spiritual vibration to the point that the body is generating a detectable electromagnetic energy field. This is the bliss body that’s discussed in many advanced teachings throughout human history especially in eastern schools of yoga. The bliss body (Spirit Body) is both physical and spiritual. Combining the proper physical and spiritual methods can lead to the transcendence and direct confirmation of one’s Soul. By purifying both the physical and mental aspects of daily life the Spirit Body begins to vibrate at higher and higher rates of amplitude or frequency. This vibration pattern begins to expand one’s awareness beyond the physical body into the spirit realm. Once the spiritual frequency reaches the necessary level one becomes aware that they are a Soul connected directly to God through the gateway of spirit made flesh reality. At this point one is divinely taken through the door that resides between the fourth and third vibration as is connected directly to the eternal Soul! At this point the fear of mortal death to the physical body is overcome with direct assurance from the Soul that one’s life memories lives forever! This is what is revealed when one experiences the higher realms of salvation or an enlightened life. One discovers mankind was chosen to manifest God’s love in physical form! While modern man lives in a complex world the most important path in life should be to discover their Soul. Faith is the walk up the mountain but the gem of life is to discover one’s life never ends. It is a miraculous world we live in!
May you come soon to your perfect place!
LE Madden
©LE Madden, 2018